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.NET is a framework to develop software applications. It is designed and developed by Microsoft and the first beta version released in 2000.It is used to develop applications for web, Windows, phone. Moreover, it provides a broad range of functionalities and support.This framework contains a large number of class libraries known as Framework Class Library (FCL). The software programs written in .NET are executed in the execution environment, which is called CLR (Common Language Runtime). These are the core and essential parts of the .NET framework.This framework provides various services like memory management, networking, security, memory management, and type-safety.

DotNET MVC Framework Industrial Training Course


  1. History
  2. Features
  3. Variable
  4. Data Types
  5. operators
  6. Keywords
  1. if-else
  2. switch
  3. For Loop
  4. While Loop
  5. Do-While Loop
  6. Break Statement
  7. Continue Statement
  1. Function
  2. Call By Value
  3. Call By Reference
  4. Out Parameter
  1. Arrays
  2. Passing Array to Function
  3. Multidimensional Arrays
  4. Jagged Arrays
  5. Params
  6. Array class
  7. Command Line Arguments
  1. Object and Class
  2. Constructor
  3. Destructor
  4. this
  5. static
  6. static class
  7. static constructor
  8. Structs
  9. Enum
  1. Properties
  1. Inheritance
  2. Aggregation (HAS-A Relationship)
  1. Member Overloading
  2. Method Overriding
  3. Base
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Sealed
  1. Abstract
  2. Interface
  1. Namespace
  2. Access Modifiers / Specifiers
  3. Encapsulation
  1. Strings
  1. Exception Handling
  2. try/catch
  3. finally
  4. User-Defined Exceptions
  5. Checked and Unchecked
  6. SystemException class
  1. FileStream
  2. StreamWriter
  3. StreamReader
  4. TextWriter
  5. TextReader
  6. BinaryWriter
  7. BinaryReader
  8. StringWriter Class
  9. StringReader Class
  10. FileInfo Class
  11. DirectoryInfo Class
  12. Serialization
  13. Deserialization
  14. System.IO Namespace
  1. Collections
  2. List
  3. HashSet
  4. SortedSet
  5. Stack
  6. Queue
  7. LinkedList
  8. Dictionary
  9. SortedDictionary
  10. SortedList
  1. Generics
  1. Delegates
  1. Reflection
  1. Anonymous Function
  1. Multithreading
  2. Thread Life Cycle
  3. Thread class
  4. Main Thread Example
  5. Threading Example: static method
  6. Threading Example: Sleep() method
  7. Threading Example: Abort() method
  8. Threading Example: Join() method
  9. Threading Example: Naming Thread
  10. Threading Example: ThreadPriority
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