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Overview of Python

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Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and high-level programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum during 1985- 1990. Like Perl, Python source code is also available under the GNU General Public License (GPL). This tutorial gives enough understanding on Python programming language.
Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting language. Python is designed to be highly readable. It uses English keywords frequently where as other languages use punctuation, and it has fewer syntactical constructions than other languages.

Python Development Training Course


  1. Python Intro
  2. Python How Can Get Started using IDLE
  3. Python Syntax
  4. Python Comments
  5. Python Variables
  6. Python Data Types
  7. Python Numbers
  8. Python Casting
  9. Python Strings
  10. Python Booleans
  11. Python Operators
  12. Python Lists
  13. Python Tuples
  14. Python Sets
  15. Python Dictionaries
  16. Python If...Else
  17. Python While Loops
  18. Python For Loops
  19. Python Functions
  20. Python Lambda
  21. Python Arrays
  1. Python Classes/Objects
  2. Python Inheritance
  3. Python Iterators
  4. Python Scope
  5. Python Modules
  6. Python Dates
  7. Python Math
  8. Python JSON
  9. Python RegEx
  10. Python PIP
  11. Python Try...Except
  12. Python User Input
  13. Python String Formatting
  14. File Handling
  15. Python File Handling
  16. Python Read Files
  17. Python Write/Create Files
  18. Python Delete Files
  1. Django
  2. Pyramid
  3. Bottle
  4. Tornado
  5. Flask
  6. webpy
  1. tkInter
  2. PyGObject
  3. PyQt
  4. PySide
  5. Kivy
  6. wxPython
  1. NumPy Intro
  2. NumPy Getting Started
  3. NumPy Creating Arrays
  4. NumPy Array Indexing
  5. NumPy Array Slicing
  6. NumPy Data Types
  7. NumPy Copy vs View
  8. NumPy Array Shape
  9. NumPy Array Reshape
  10. NumPy Array Iterating
  11. NumPy Array Join
  12. NumPy Array Split
  13. NumPy Array Search
  14. NumPy Array Sort
  15. NumPy Array Filter
  16. NumPy Random
  17. NumPy ufunc
  1. Matplotlib Intro
  2. Matplotlib Get Started
  3. Matplotlib Pyplot
  4. Matplotlib Plotting
  5. Matplotlib Markers
  6. Matplotlib Line
  7. Matplotlib Labels
  8. Matplotlib Grid
  9. Matplotlib Subplots
  10. Matplotlib Scatter
  11. Matplotlib Bars
  1. SciPy Intro
  2. SciPy Getting Started
  3. SciPy Constants
  4. SciPy Optimizers
  5. SciPy Sparse Data
  6. SciPy Graphs
  7. SciPy Spatial Data
  8. SciPy Matlab Arrays
  9. SciPy Interpolation
  10. SciPy Significance Tests
  1. Getting Started
  2. Mean Median Mode
  3. Standard Deviation
  4. Percentile
  5. Data Distribution
  6. Normal Data Distribution
  7. Scatter Plot
  8. Linear Regression
  9. Polynomial Regression
  10. Multiple Regression
  11. Scale
  12. Train/Test
  13. Decision Tree
  1. MySQL Get Started
  2. MySQL Create Database
  3. MySQL Create Table
  4. MySQL Insert
  5. MySQL Select
  6. MySQL Select
  7. MySQL Order By
  8. MySQL Delete
  9. MySQL Drop Table
  10. MySQL Update
  11. MySQL Limit
  12. MySQL Join
  1. MongoDB Get Started
  2. MongoDB Create Database
  3. MongoDB Create Collection
  4. MongoDB Insert
  5. MongoDB Find
  6. MongoDB Query
  7. MongoDB Sort
  8. MongoDB Delete
  9. MongoDB Drop Collection
  10. MongoDB Update
  11. MongoDB Limit
  1. AI Home
  2. AI Humans
  3. AI Languages
  4. AI Numbers
  5. AI Computers
  6. AI Examples
  7. AI Robots
  1. AI Languages
  2. AI JavaScript
  3. AI in Browser
  4. AI Mathematics
  5. AI Probability
  6. AI Statistics
  7. AI Algebra
  8. AI Matrices
  9. AI Linear Algebra
  1. AI Sciences
  2. AI Collecting Data
  3. AI Scatter Plots
  4. AI Linear Graphs
  5. AI Regressions
  6. AI Machine Learning.
  1. AI Graphics
  2. AI Graph JavaScript
  3. AI Graph Plotly.js
  4. AI Graph Chart.js
  5. AI Graph Google

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