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Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It has evolved from humble beginnings to power a large share of today’s digital world, by providing the reliable platform upon which many services and applications are built. New, innovative products and digital services designed for the future continue to rely on Java, as well.
There are many applications and even some websites that will not function unless you have Java installed. Java.com, this website, is intended for consumers who require Java for their desktop applications – specifically applications targeting Java 8. Developers as well as users that would like to learn Java programming should visit the dev.java website instead and business users should visit oracle.com/java for more information.

Java Development Training Course


  1. Java - What, Where and Why?
  2. History and Features of Java
  3. Internals of Java Program
  4. Difference between JDK,JRE and JVM
  5. Internal Details of JVM
  6. Variable and Data Type
  7. Unicode System
  8. Naming Convention
  1. Advantage of OOPs
  2. Object and Class
  3. Method Overloading
  4. Constructor
  5. static variable, method and block
  6. this keyword
  7. Inheritance (IS-A)
  8. Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A)
  9. Method Overriding
  10. Covariant Return Type
  11. super keyword
  12. Instance Initializer block
  13. final keyword
  14. Runtime Polymorphism
  15. static and Dynamic binding
  16. Abstract class and Interface
  17. Downcasting with instanceof operator
  18. Package and Access Modifiers
  19. Encapsulation
  20. Object class
  21. Object Cloning
  22. Java Array
  23. Call By Value and Call By Reference
  24. strictfp keyword
  25. Creating API Document
  1. String : What and Why?
  2. Immutable String
  3. String Comparison
  4. String Concatenation
  5. Substring
  6. Methods of String class
  7. StringBuffer class
  8. StringBuilder class
  9. Creating Immutable class
  10. toString method
  11. StringTokenizer class
  1. Exception Handling : What and Why?
  2. try and catch block
  3. Multiple catch block
  4. Nested try
  5. finally block
  6. throw keyword
  7. Exception Propagation
  8. throws keyword
  9. Exception Handling with Method Overriding
  10. Custom Exception
  1. Nested Class : What and Why?
  2. Member Inner class
  3. Annonymous Inner class
  4. Local Inner class
  5. static nested class
  6. Nested Interface
  1. Multithreading : What and Why?
  2. Life Cycle of a Thread
  3. Creating Thread
  4. Thread Schedular
  5. Sleeping a thread
  6. Joining a thread
  7. Thread Priority
  8. Daemon Thread
  9. Thread Pooling
  10. Thread Group
  11. ShutdownHook
  12. Performing multiple task by multiple thread
  13. Garbage Collection
  14. Runnable class
  1. Synchronization : What and Why?
  2. synchronized method
  3. synchronized block
  4. static synchronization
  5. Deadlock
  6. Inter-thread Communication
  7. Interrupting Thread
  1. FileOutputStream & FileInputStream
  2. ByteArrayOutputStream
  3. SequenceInputStream
  4. BufferedOutputStream & BufferedInputStream
  5. FileWriter & FileReader
  6. CharArrayWriter
  7. Input from keyboard by InputStreamReader
  8. Input from keyboard by Console
  9. Input from keyboard by Scanner
  10. PrintStream class
  11. PrintWriter class
  12. Compressing and Uncompressing File
  13. Reading and Writing data simultaneously
  14. DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
  15. StreamTokenizer class
  1. Serialization & Deserialization
  2. Serialization with IS-A and Has-A
  3. transient keyword
  1. Socket Programming
  2. URL class
  3. Displaying data of a web page
  4. InetAddress class
  5. DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket
  6. Two way communication
  1. AWT Controls
  2. Event Handling by 3 ways
  3. Event classes and Listener Interfaces
  4. Adapter classes
  5. Creating Games and Applications
  1. Basics of Swing
  2. JButton class
  3. JRadioButton class
  4. JTextArea class
  5. JComboBox class
  6. JTable class
  7. JColorChooser clas
  8. JProgressBar class
  9. JSlider class
  10. Digital Watch
  11. Graphics in swing
  12. Displaying Image
  13. Edit Menu for Notepad
  14. Open Dialog Box
  15. Creating Notepad
  16. Creating Games and applications
  1. BorderLayout
  2. GridLayout
  3. FlowLayout
  4. BoxLayout
  5. CardLayout
  1. Life Cycle of Applet
  2. Graphics in Applet
  3. Displaying image in Applet
  4. Animation in Applet
  5. EventHandling in Applet
  6. JApplet class
  7. Painting in Applet
  8. Digital Clock in Applet
  9. Analog Clock in Applet
  10. Parameter in Applet
  11. Applet Communication
  12. Creating Games
  1. Reflection API
  2. newInstance() & Determining the class object
  3. javap tool
  4. creating javap tool
  5. creating appletviewer
  6. Accessing private method from outside the class
  1. Collection Framework
  2. ArrayList class
  3. LinkedList class
  4. ListIterator interface
  5. HashSet class
  6. LinkedHashSet class
  7. TreeSet class
  8. PriorityQueue class
  9. ArrayDeque class
  10. Map interface
  11. HashMap class
  12. LinkedHashMap class
  13. TreeMap class
  14. Hashtable class
  15. Hashtable class
  16. Properties class
  1. JDBC Drivers
  2. Steps to connect to the database
  3. Connectivity with Oracle
  4. Connectivity with MySQL
  5. Connectivity with Access without DSN
  6. DriverManager
  7. Connection interface
  8. Statement interface
  9. ResultSet interface
  10. PreparedStatement
  11. ResultSetMetaData
  12. DatabaseMetaData
  13. Storing image
  14. Retrieving image
  15. Storing file
  16. Mini Project
  17. Retrieving file
  18. Stored procedures and functions
  19. Transaction Management
  20. Batch Processing
  21. JDBC New Features
  1. Assertion
  2. For-each loop
  3. Varargs
  4. Static Import
  5. Autoboxing and Unboxing
  6. Enum Type
  7. Annotation
  8.  etc.
  1. Internationalization
  2. ResourceBundle class
  3. I18N with Date
  4. I18N with Time
  5. I18N with Number
  6. I18N with Currency

Advance Java Servlet

  1. Servlet: What and Why?
  2. Basics of Web
  3. Servlet API
  4. Servlet Interface
  5. GenericServlet
  6. HttpServlet
  7. Servlet Life Cycle
  8. Working with Apache Tomcat Server
  9. Steps to create a servlet in Tomcat
  10. How servlet works?
  11. servlet in Myeclipse
  12. servlet in Eclipse
  13. servlet in Netbeans
  1. ServletRequest methods
  2. Registration example with DB
  1. RequestDispatcher
  2. sendRedirect
  1. ServletConfig methods
  2. ServletConfig example
  1. ServletContext methods
  2. ServletContext example
  1. How to set, get and remove example?
  1. Cookies
  2. Hidden Form Field
  3. URL Rewriting
  4. HttpSession
  1. Filter
  2. Authentication Filter
  3. FilterConfig
  4. Useful examples


  1. Life cycle of JSP
  2. JSP API
  3. JSP in Eclipse and other IDE's
  1. scriptlet tag
  2. expression tag
  3. declaration tag
  1. out
  2. request
  3. response
  4. config
  5. application
  6. session
  7. pageContext
  8. page
  9. exception
  1. page directive
  2. include directive
  3. taglib directive

Exception Handling

  1. jsp:forward
  2. jsp:include
  3. Bean class
  4. jsp:useBean
  5. jsp:setProperty & jsp:getProperty
  6. Displaying applet in JSP
  1. Custom Tag : What and Why?
  2. Custom Tag API?
  3. Custom Tag Example
  4. Attributes
  5. Iteration
  6. Custom URI

JavaMail API

  1. Sending Email
  2. Sending email through Gmail server
  3. Receiving Email
  4. Sending HTML content

Struts 2

  1. Struts : What and Why?
  2. Model1 vs Model2
  3. Struts2 Features
  4. Steps to create Struts2 application
  5. Understanding Action class
  6. Understanding struts.xml file
  7. Struts2 in Eclipse IDE
  8. Struts2 in Myeclipse IDE
  1. Interceptors
  2. ValueStack
  3. ActionContext
  4. ActionInvocation
  5. OGNL
  1. Action Interface
  2. ActionSupport class
  1. multi configuration
  2. multi namespace
  1. Custom Interceptor : Life Cycle of Interceptor
  2. params interceptor
  3. execAndWait interceptor
  4. prepare interceptor
  5. modelDriven interceptor
  6. exception interceptor
  7. fileUpload interceptor
  1. Custom Validation : workflow interceptor
  2. Input Validation : validation interceptor
  3. Ajax Validation : jsonValidation interceptor
  1. ServletActionContext
  2. SessionAware
  3. Login and Logout Application
  4. ServletContextAware
  1. By convention
  2. By annotation

Working with IDE

  1. Eclipse IDE
  2. Netbeans IDE
  3. Myeclipse IDE

Working with Servers

  1. Apache Tomcat
  2. Glassfish Server
  3. JBoss Server
  4. Weblogic Server


  1. The Need for JavaEE.
  2. Overview on the JavaEE Architecture
  3. 1 tier
  4. 2 tier
  5. 3 tier
  6. N tier
  7. JavaEE Key Standards
  1. The EJB Model
  2. Key Services of the Application Server
  1. Stateless Session Beans
  2. Stateful Session Beans
  3. Packaging
  4. Writing Clients
  1. No More JNDI
  2. Injection of EJBContext
  1. JMS Overview
  2. JMS Messaging Domains
  3. Example of JMS using Queue
  4. Example of JMS using Topic
  1. Object Relational Mapping
  2. Mapping configurations
  3. Embedded Objects
  4. EJBQL

Skills and Experience

C Programming
C++ Programming
Logical Concept
DBMS Concept
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