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Web designing is the creation of websites and pages to reflect a company’s brand and information and ensure a user-friendly experience. Appearance and design are incorporated as vital elements whether you’re designing a website, mobile app or maintaining content on a web page. You can learn web designing to create a site for your own business or become a professional web designer creating sites for clients. In this article, we explain what web designing is as well as common elements and uses.

Web Designing Training Course


  1. Introduction to HTML
  2. HTML Editors
  3. HTML Basic
  4. HTML Elements
  5. HTML Attributes
  6. HTML Headings
  7. HTML Paragraphs
  8. HTML Formatting
  9. HTML Links
  10. HTML Head
  11. HTML CSS
  12. HTML Images
  13. HTML Tables
  14. HTML Lists
  15. HTML Blocks
  16. HTML Layout
  17. HTML Forms
  18. HTML Iframes
  19. HTML Colors
  20. HTML Colornames
  21. HTML Colorvalues
  22. HTML JavaScript
  23. HTML Entities
  24. HTML URL Encode
  25. HTML Quick List
  26. HTML Summary
  1. HTML5 Intro
  2. HTML5 New Elements
  3. HTML5 Canvas
  4. HTML5 SVG
  5. HTML5 Drag/Drop
  6. HTML5 Geolocation
  7. HTML5 Video
  8. HTML5 Audio
  9. HTML5 Input Types
  10. HTML5 Form Elements
  11. HTML5 Form Attributes
  12. HTML5 Semantic
  13. HTML5 Web Storage
  14. HTML5 App Cache
  15. HTML5 Web Workers
  16. HTML5 SSE
  1. CSS Basic
  3. CSS Introduction
  4. CSS Syntax
  5. CSS Id & Class
  6. CSS How To
  7. CSS Backgrounds
  8. CSS Text
  9. CSS Fonts
  10. CSS Links
  11. CSS Lists
  12. CSS Tables
  1. CSS Box Model
  2. CSS Border
  3. CSS Outline
  4. CSS Margin
  5. CSS Padding
  1. CSS Grouping/Nesting
  2. CSS Dimension
  3. CSS Display
  4. CSS Positioning
  5. CSS Floating
  6. CSS Align
  7. CSS Pseudo-class
  8. CSS Pseudo-element
  9. CSS Navigation Bar
  10. CSS Image Gallery
  11. CSS Image Opacity
  12. CSS Image Sprites
  13. CSS Media Types
  14. CSS Attr Selectors
  15. CSS3 Introduction
  16. CSS3 Borders
  17. CSS3 Backgrounds
  18. CSS3 Gradients
  19. CSS3 Text Effects
  20. CSS3 Fonts
  21. CSS3 2D Transforms
  22. CSS3 3D Transforms
  23. CSS3 Transitions
  24. CSS3 Animations
  25. CSS3 Multiple Columns
  1. What is JavaScript
  2. Understanding Events
  3. JavaScript Example
  4. External JavaScript
  1. Comment
  2. Variable
  3. Global Variable
  4. Data Types
  5. operators
  6. If Statement
  7. Switch
  8. Loop: for and while
  9. Function
  1. JavaScript objects
  2. JavaScript Array
  1. Browser Objects
  2. Window Object
  3. Document Object
  4. getElementById
  5. getElementsByName
  6. getElementsByTagName
  7. innerHTML property
  8. inner Text property
  1. form validation
  2. email validation
  1. jQuery HOME
  2. jQuery Intro
  3. jQuery Install
  4. jQuery Syntax
  5. jQuery Selectors
  6. jQuery Events
  7. jQuery Hide/Show
  8. jQuery Fade
  9. jQuery Slide
  10. jQuery Animate
  11. jQuery stop()
  12. jQuery Callback
  13. jQuery Chaining
  14. jQuery GetjQuery Set
  15. jQuery Add
  16. jQuery Remove
  17. jQuery CSS Classes
  18. jQuery css()
  19. jQuery Dimensions
  20. jquery slider
  1. Bootstrap-Grid System
  2. Bootstrap-CSS Overview
  3. Bootstrap-Typography
  4. Bootstrap-Code
  5. Bootstrap-Tables
  6. Bootstrap-Forms
  7. Bootstrap-Buttons
  8. Bootstrap-Images
  9. Bootstrap-Helper Classes
  10. Bootstrap-Responsive utilities
  1. Bootstrap-Glyphicon
  2. Bootstrap-Drop downs
  3. Bootstrap-Button Groups
  4. Bootstrap-Button Drop downs
  5. Bootstrap-Input Groups
  6. Bootstrap-Navigation Elements
  7. Bootstrap-Navbar
  8. Bootstrap-Breadcrumb
  9. Bootstrap-Pagination
  10. Bootstrap-Labels
  11. Bootstrap-Badges
  12. Bootstrap-Jumbotron
  13. Bootstrap-Page Header
  14. Bootstrap-Thumbnail
  15. Bootstrap-Alert
  16. Bootstrap-Progress Bars
  17. Bootstrap-Media Object
  18. Bootstrap-List Group
  19. Bootstrap-Panels
  20. Bootstrap-Walls
  1. Angular HOMEAngular Intro
  2. Angular Expressions
  3. Angular Modules
  4. Angular Directives
  5. Angular Model
  6. Angular Data Binding
  7. Angular Controllers
  8. Angular Scopes
  9. Angular Filters
  10. Angular Services
  11. Angular HttpAngular
  12. TablesAngular
  13. SelectAngular
  14. SQLAngular
  15. DOMAngular
  16. EventsAngular
  17. FormsAngular
  18. ValidationAngular
  19. APIAngular W3.CSS
  20. Angular Includes
  21. Angular Animations
  22. Angular Routing
  23. Angular Application

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