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ReactJS is JavaScript library used for building reusable UI components. According to React official documentation, following is the definition − React is a library for building composable user interfaces. It encourages the creation of reusable UI components, which present data that changes over time. Lots of people use React as the V in MVC. React abstracts away the DOM from you, offering a simpler programming model and better performance. React can also render on the server using Node, and it can power native apps using React Native. React implements one-way reactive data flow, which reduces the boilerplate and is easier to reason about than tarditional data binding.

ReactJS Development Training Course


Core ReactJS
  1. ➢ React JS Introduction
  2. ➢ Advantages of React JS
  3. ➢ Work flow of React JS
  4. ➢ Scope of React JS
  1. ➢ Introduction of Virtual DOM.
  2. ➢ Difference between JS and JSX.
  3. ➢ React Components overview
  4. ➢ Containers and components
  5. ➢ What is Child Components?
  6. ➢ What is Namespaced components?
  7. ➢ What are the JavaScript expressions available in JSX?
  1. ➢ Node setup
  2. ➢ How to use NPM?
  3. ➢ How to create package.json and purpose of it?
  4. ➢ ES6 Introduction and features.
  5. ➢ Webpack Overview
  6. ➢ Best IDE for React JS and How to write optimized code in React JS?
  7. ➢ React JS browser plugins overview.
  1. ➢ Create a React component with JSX template.
  2. ➢ How to create Nested Components?
  3. ➢ What is React JS render?
  4. ➢ React Props overview.
  5. ➢ Introduction of Props validation with data types.
  6. ➢ Flow of States, Initialize states and update states.
  1. ➢ Lists of Form components.
  2. ➢ Setup Controlled and Uncontrolled form components.
  3. ➢ Control Input elements.
  4. ➢ How to set default values on all formats of Input elements.
  5. ➢ React JS Form validations.
  6. ➢ How to write Styles?
  7. ➢ Animations overview
  1. ➢ Initial Render
  2. ➢ Props Change
  3. ➢ Stage Change
  4. ➢ Component willMount
  5. ➢ Component didMount
  6. ➢ Component Unmount
  1. ➢ Single Page Application Overview.
  2. ➢ How to configure React Router?
  3. ➢ History of Router
  4. ➢ How to Handle Conditional statement in JSX?
  5. ➢ IIFE in JSX for complex logic overview.
  1. ➢ onBlur, onKeyUp, onChange and other useful primary events in React JS.
  2. ➢ How to Sharing events between the components?
Advance ReactJS
  1. ➢ CSS and inline styles in React JS overview.
  2. ➢ Introduction to styled components
  3. ➢ Real-time Practicals
  4. ➢ Styling the application using styled component
  5. ➢ How to use Animations in the Application.
  1. ➢ How to Load the router library?
  2. ➢ Configure the React Router?
  3. ➢ How to Pass and receive parameters?
  4. ➢ Integration of React-cookie overview.
  1. ➢ What is Flux Architecture?
  2. ➢ What are the Flux Components available?
  3. ➢ Stores.
  4. ➢ Dispatchers.
  5. ➢ View Controllers.
  6. ➢ Actions.
  7. ➢ Views.
  8. ➢ How Flux works?
  9. ➢ Flux and React works together.
  10. ➢ Introduction to One Store.
  11. ➢ Provider Component
  12. ➢ Actions.
  13. ➢ Reducers.
  14. ➢ sagas
  15. ➢ Dispatchers
  16. ➢ View Controllers
  17. ➢ Selector
  1. ➢ What are the necessary Tools required for Unit Testing?
  2. ➢ React Unit Testing overview
  3. ➢ Introduction to JEST.
  4. ➢ How to Test React Component?
  5. ➢ How to Test React Router?
  1. ➢ Gulp & Browserify
  2. ➢ React with jQuery
  3. ➢ React & AJAX
  1. ➢ https
  2. ➢ httpster
  3. ➢ npm
  1. ➢ Understanding Hooks
  2. ➢ The useState hook
  3. ➢ Side effects using the useEffect hook
  4. ➢ The useContext hook
  5. ➢ The useReducer hook
  6. ➢ Writing your own hook
  1. ➢ Code splitting & Suspense
  2. ➢ Route Based Code Splitting
  3. ➢ Lazy Loading
  1. ➢ Server Side Rendering
  2. ➢ SSR with React - Setup & Server
  3. ➢ SSR with React - The Toolchain
  1. ➢ Using Jest with Test Utils from React-DOM
  2. ➢ Using Jest with the React Testing Library
  3. ➢ Using Jest with Enzyme
  1. ➢ The React ecosystem
  1. ➢ Handling exceptions in components
  2. ➢ Error boundaries
  1. ➢ Webpack and its use
  2. ➢ Setting up and installing Webpack
  3. ➢ Working with the configuration file of Webpack
  4. ➢ Working with loaders
  5. ➢ Quick word on lazy loading, code splitting, and tree shaking
  6. ➢ Setting up a hot module replacement
  7. ➢ Server-side rendering (SSR)
  8. ➢ Working with renderToStaticMarkup and renderToString methods
  1. ➢ What is GraphQL?
  2. ➢ Cons of Rest API
  3. ➢ Pros of GraphQL
  4. ➢ Frontend backend communication using GraphQL
  5. ➢ Type system
  6. ➢ GraphQL datatypes
  7. ➢ Modifiers
  8. ➢ Schemas
  9. ➢ GraphiQL tool
  10. ➢ Express framework
  11. ➢ NPM libraries to build server side of GraphQL
  12. ➢ Build a GraphQL API
  13. ➢ Apollo client
  14. ➢ NPM libraries to build client side of GraphQL
  15. ➢ How to setup Apollo clien

Skills and Experience

JAVA Programming
Logical Concept
DBMS Concept
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